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Hot Search: SSM3K35MFV SSM3J36MFV 2SK3376TT-B
2SD601A NPN Transistors(BJT) 60V 100mA/0.1A 150MHz 160~460 100mV/0.1V SOT-23/SC-59 marking Z general amplifier
集电极-基极反向击穿电压V(BR)CBO Collector-Base Voltage(VCBO) | 60V |
集电极-发射极反向击穿电压V(BR)CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage(VCEO) | 50V |
集电极连续输出电流IC Collector Current(IC) | 100mA/0.1A |
截止频率fT Transtion Frequency(fT) | 150MHz |
直流电流增益hFE DC Current Gain(hFE) | 160~460 |
管压降VCE(sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage | 100mV/0.1V |
耗散功率Pc Power Dissipation | 200mW/0.2W |
Description & Applications | Silicon NPN epitaxial planer type For general amplification Complementary to 2SB709A Features High foward current transfer ratio hFE. Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and automatic insertion through the tape packing and the magazine packing. |
描述与应用 | NPN硅外延平面型 对于一般的放大 补充2SB709A 特点 高FOWARD电流传输比HFE。 低集电极到发射极饱和电压VCE(SAT) 迷你型包装,让瘦身带包装盒包装的设备和通过自动插入。 |